showcase by category
competition/challenge on railway safety
online grocery store clientside app
quiz to promote grocery deliveries to daycare centres
online puzzles with prize draw
interactive information
online study material for a course in French
pre 2002 site
generic plugin-driven application framework
online platform game
real-time 3d explanatory animation
3D using Flash5 [technology demo]
panoramic view creation utility
interactive flash 5 snow trail [technology demo]
online and standalone puzzle game
art for Green Energy
online raft race event
traveling horizon
website design
banners for a HR/recruitment site
real-time 3d selection tree
automatically updating best deal display
true color, textured, gouraud shaded, 3d library
textured, gouraud shaded, real-time 3d library
plugins for Alias|Wavefront's 3d-animation software
platform game
Dynamic Lighting using Flash8 [technology demo]
photorealistic fly simulator
online multiplayer Game of the Goose
alternative reality game set in the world of Harry Potter
online real-time structural analysis
tiny racing game
3d energy absorbtion game
gui for a structural analysis application
real-time structural analysis
banners for T2X: Shadows of the Metal Age
in game icons for T2X: Shadows of the Metal Age
meta game art for T2X: Shadows of the Metal Age
art for the site of T2X: Shadows of the Metal Age
custom textures for T2X: Shadows of the Metal Age
online gravity game
gouraud shaded, real-time 3d library
gravity game